Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Our intentions were to leave Kumbali Lodge by no later than 05h30, however after cups of coffee and going through some vehicle check list we established that a small piece of hose pipe had not been packed.  Critical piece of equipment as you need to sifen people, a littke walk arund the garden and finding a perfect piece of hosepipe a piece was cut off s- we are ready to leave departed at 05h45.  The Dedza Border Post was a walk in the park – both side being exit Malawi and enter Mozambique took a mere 35 minutes.  The trip through Mozambique is usually full of horror stories of how police stop and ask questions, try and fine you, advise you that you are speeding and you have no way of proving differently, you naturally drive through Mozmbique waiting for a fight in a language you can not understand – makes it all that more interestesting.  Well NOTHING of that – nobody stopped us, nobody even wanted to see our beautiful car – staright through Mozambique through the exit border at Nymapanda and into Zimbabbwe.  I think Chris had been brewing for a decent shouting match or merely waiting with pent up frustration to get it out on someone – as the Zimbabwean Border Police advised us we were not allowed to sit on the left hand side of the steps leading up to the border post to complete our entry forms howevever  we could sit on the right hand side – what is the logic is this???  Chris thought he should try and find out how this worked you can imagine who won with some fantastic piece of logic ‘Nooo yooou must seat on t theees side’.  Again absolutely no incidents straight through both borders and arrived at Mike and Boo’s home in Harare at 16h20 – a good 11 hours of being in the vehicle.  A pleasant drive with a few smokes breaks etc.

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